Happy Vet Day!
Who are the best friends of our actors? Trainers, their assistants and vets, of course. Who else will help our stars when they are ill? Who will give them medicine and look after them to keep them healthy and cheerful?
April, 29 is the most important holiday for our doctors and their marine pets. Vet Day is a tribute to self-sacrificing work of those who take care of animals and their health. Animals cannot take pills or heal an injured limb themselves or go to dentist when they have a toothache. Thus becoming a vet meant to dedicate all your life to saving those who cannot take care of themselves.
Dolphin World congratulates their staff and all their colleagues on Vet Day! We are happy to have such hard-working, attentive and skillful people in our team. It is great that you love animals and always come to their rescue. We wish you luck, personal and career development and satisfaction from your job. May all your patients recover as soon as possible. And please take care of your own health!